Guidelines for having great PickUp Games!
Please read these guidelines and follow the PUG Policies when utlizing PickUp. We want all to have an enjoyable experience.

Please use common sense in Pick Up Games. Not knowing the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.
If you join a PUG, you must show up. If you fail to show you will be banned.

Please show respect to all players. Anyone caught harassing other players will be subject to removal.
No console, chat, or radio spam in game.

No posting NSFW links in #pugbot/#pickup. Please keep everything rated PG-13 or less, no offensive content in #pugbot/#pickup please.
Advertising Urban Terror related material is allowed, no more than 1 message per 3 hour period. Some exceptions will be granted for special events.

You must stay for the entire PUG. This means you must stay in the server until the score board shows.
No hacks accusations in game please. If you suspect someone, please report it to an admin.

Most bans will be a 1 week temp ban.
Bans from Flawless league are enforced on PUG/Pickup too.
Anyone caught hacking will get a lifetime ban.
Arguing about the length of your ban will only make it longer.
If you have a question about your ban, or feel it was a mistake, PM an admin. No other admin has the power to unban another admin's ban.